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Permanent memorials, headstones and grave markers identify your loved one’s final resting place and provide a physical reminder of the relationship you shared. These monuments create a place to gather in memory of those lost, and to inform future visitors to the site of the lives that were lived.

Many monument retailers and cemeteries out-source the most important part of the process-the actual carving of the memorial. We design and manufacture our memorials locally, assuring the highest levels of quality and customer service. We have hundreds of designs to choose from or we can design a personalized creation. If you can imagine it, we can create it. We carefully select granites from North America and around the world to bring you some of the most attractive, unusual and durable stone available. Our Journeyman Shape Carver and Certified Designer will create a special monument for your loved one, no matter the budget.


·   Monument Sales (Headstones, Benches, Personal Cremation Memorials, Mausoleums)

·   Design & Proofing

·   Carving & Etching

·   Specialty Shape Carving, Sculpting & Personalized Creations

·   Monument Delivery & Installation

·   Veteran Bronze & Emblem Installation

·   Municipal or Community Memorials, Signs & Sculpture

·   Outdoor/Onsite Engraving (Dates of Passing & Epitaphs)

·   Monument Repairs & Maintenance

·   Monument Foundations

·   Vases & Accessories

Monument Options

Companion and Family Traditional Memorials

Biodegradable Burial Materials

Use a coffin, casket, or shroud made of biodegradable substances like bamboo, wicker, silk, or hemp. Sustainably harvested wood is also a good option.

Single Traditional Memorials

Lawn and Bevel Memorials

Custom Contour Memorials

Cremation Memorials

You Can Never Go Back and Do It Over

A funeral service is the last goodbye to your loved one. That’s why we will guide you through the process of planning a personalized service and take care of every last detail from start to finish.


Venue Options:

  • Our Chapel
  • Church
  • Outdoor Venue
  • Graveside
  • Your Choice


Vehicle Options:

  • Utility/Service Vehicle
  • Funeral Coach/Hearse
  • Limousine


Healing Elements:

  • Music
  • Readings
  • Artwork
  • Your Choice
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